I was having lunch with some friends today and catching up on lost time with our buddy Chris Harkman. Chris asked how "the bug" was coming and I told him it was close to getting on the road.
My buddy Mike suggested that we spend a couple hours on it this afternoon and see how far we could get with it.
I really wanted to get the last of the windows in so that I could take it out of the garage and over to Tony's so that he could take a look at the motor and get it running better ... (or at all. For some reason I can't get it to run at all right now. It cranks over fine, just doesn't start. Some type of gas or spark issue.) (UPDATE ... it was a cracked gas line, starts great now)
Mike stopped over and we went right to work on the roll-up windows. They are a pain! There are lots of trim pieces and they have to get put on in a certain order. We didn't know that order so it was a lot of puting things on then taking them off again.
Mike was a huge help and we where able to get the windows done! The glass fits a bit snug, but they go up and down by the little hand crank.
Now this week I'll get ahold of Tony and see if he can take a look at "the bug" and get it running.